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  • Delayne Martin

Top 5 Blogs of the Year

Updated: May 31, 2022

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on our blogs. This year was the first full year of our website and we are learning as we go. The website was created by Kelly and me to help bring some balance to our hectic world. We are constantly thinking about how best we can do that. We will continue to bring you only products, recipes, tips that we actually use. We have learned a lot about social media, blogging, and ourselves. To cap off our year we are highlighting our top five blogs.

Black Friday Shopping Tradition As we enjoy Thanksgiving Day with family, friends, and food; some dedicated shoppers are gearing up for the biggest shopping day of the year. Today’s blog is written by Sheila, my sister-in-law, and her lifelong friend, Sharon. Sit back and enjoy with a slice of pie and a cup of coffee. Read more...

My Journey: Teresa Wheeling For our blogs this month we will highlight a few of our followers who have a story to tell. Last week I wrote about my personal experience with Mom's cancer battle. First of all thank you to all who reached out to me, especially the ones who knew her. For someone who doesn't get sentimental, it was an emotional week. Today our fighter story will come from Teresa Wheeling. Her story is one of determination and a true fighting spirit. Thank you Teresa for sharing. Read more...

Home Along-What Do We Do Now?

From the moment our children are born we prepare them to be independent adults. This is quite a bold statement. Someone should have been secretly preparing us for the stark realization that our cute little rambunctious boys and girls will eventually become self-sufficient young men and women. I thought I handled dropping off our older son at college pretty well, but the day we took our younger son to college was a bit more monumental. We were officially empty nesters. Read more...

Strong Women Raise Strong Women

My mom and dad were “boyfriend and girlfriend” since the 6th grade. In fact, my mom still had a friendship ring dad gave her in the 8th grade. They were high school sweethearts and married when my mom was a junior at Lenoir Rhyne and dad had just finished Highway Patrol School. After they married my dad was stationed in Burnsville, so mom would live with her parents during the week so she could go to class at LR and spend the weekends with my dad. My mother was never a cook and had no interest really in learning. Her first attempt at making gravy resulted in having to slice the gravy like a pie and put it on your plate. My dad, ever the diplomat, said, “What’s that?” She responded, “It’s gravy.” He said, “I’ve never seen gravy like that before.” Actually, I don’t remember my mother ever making gravy, dad always made it. Later, if she would have to take a covered dish to church, she would take one of her bowls to the deli, pick out a dish and ask them to put it into her bowl. She said she had too many other things to do that she liked better than cooking. Read more...

The Time I Hired a Personal Chef.

Charles and I tend to be slack when it comes to birthday presents. We tell each other what we want and the other one buys it. Not romantic, but it has worked for us. This year I wanted to do something a little different. We have stuff so I wanted to have a unique experience. Several months ago we tried Tapas Tuesdays at The Olive in Morganton. Laura Hicks, the chef, prepared small bites of truffle macaroni and cheese. While we chatted with her at the bar, she mentioned that she will do a personal meal in your home. A light bulb went off in my head. Charles and I have never had a personal chef come into our home and prepare a meal. Read more...

The new year is rapidly approaching and we are excited to niche down our blogs. Each week will be filled with winery adventures, crafts, new recipes, and quick tips. Kelly and I continue to strive for balance with work, family, fitness, and fun. Join us on our journey into 2022.

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